The Game

Babylon 5 was an incredible science fiction TV series that first aired in the late 90s. It had 5 successful seasons, several TV movies and a spin off series, Crusade. The series centered around the ambassadors of 4 major galactic powers, the "space UN" headquarters (space station: Babylon 5), and the men and women who ran this diverse city in space.

The CCG allows 3-7 players to recreate and retell their own possible Babylon 5 saga by allowing each person to either take on the role of one of the major political powers (either via their ambassador to B5 or their home faction) and attempt to dominate the other factions using diplomacy, intrigue, military, or access to fearful and deadly ancient powers. With several expansions, the CCG really is one of the best (if not the best) war/intrigue games ever made.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Home Faction Ambassador B5 CCG Lunch Game #2, second AAR

A little progress on our lunch game, looks like the Neroon deck has some real potential.  We're kinda playing open hands here, so they've all seen mine and I've seen theirs.  Almost all the fun Minbari warrior caste character/fleet combos are already in Neroon's hand and now its just growing his influence enough to get them in... we'll have to see today if he can.

In other decks, Refa's frustrated as this is a war deck of 80 some cards, 20 of which are fleets, none of which are in his hand.  Meanwhile he's pumping Ragesh III to bring in a 1st-3rd fleet early and then I assume Border Raid or the like with that (we Narn aren't worried).

Bester is slowly getting things out, but I really hope he'll be aggressive.  You can't play Psi Corps and play nice (well, he can be nice to someone, but he needs to pick on someone too).  Its a race right now between him and Sheridan to get Earth out and get some of the limited fleets too, but I'm trying to drill into the Bester that a few Psi Corps locations, a couple high power telepaths, and Military Telepaths are all he needs to stay competitive in military conflicts and that's good enough.

Sheridan is a pure B5/Diplo deck.  I think it will do well in this meta rather than the Shadow War/Military heavy games we've had in the past.  He needs to focus on things other than B5 influence and just grow his own power pool.  Right now, I could Power Politics and make them all tap out, but nothing gained (other than making them give +2 influence to someone other than me), but once Sheridan and the Senators are all up in running, that will change.  Hopefully he and the other players will get that working together to stop Power Politics is a must right now.

Na'Far is sitting pretty.  He's contingency protected, will soon have 2 strife marks on him, and is sitting at a 10 diplomacy right now.  I might try and ram through one more Power Politics conflict but I think almost all the homeworlds will be in soon and this might be a pretty quick game for everyone but Refa.  Right now he's got the biggest challenge besides Bester.  They both need two turns to make most of their influence, where as Neroon and Na'Far can easily make 2-4 every turn.  However there are some Alliance cards floating around and I'm going to encourage them to not target me... that should elevate the others quickly, but this one's going to be a race to 20 not a Major Victory (sorry Bester and Refa)... unless something unexpected happens, and just like in the show, it often does.

In other news:

The Screenings Continue

The Mrs and I are still watching the season 1 and we've just finished the first disc and started the second.  All and all, I think she's getting it (not understanding it (which of course she is), I mean "getting it", as in seeing what redeemable qualities the series had and why people liked it).

Episode 4: Lumbering Plot device and Ducky betrays the Doc
Me:I like the look into the short-sighted and aggressive policies of EarthGov.  Much like when the show aired, the current distrust of politicians makes this even more relevant. 
Mrs: I think the lack of well done parallel plot lines in this episode made it less interesting for her.  I don't want to say that this is a throw away episode, but as much I as remember liking it the first time through, this might be one to skip if you're trying to speed a new view through the first season... just mention ISN and move on

Episode 5: Londo's Party and G'Kar's Peril
Me: Good ole Parliament of Dreams, might be one of, if not my favorite episode of Season 1.  G'Kar is overacted, and I'm glad that he's toned down in theatrics but deepened as a character later.  We get to meet Na'Toth (one of those characters that I wish we saw more of, but since actress was allergic to Narn makeup, that happens).
Mrs:  Found G'Kar a bit too much of a ham... and, sadly, he was.  However, I think Londo and Sinclair are growing on her... but oddly enough, not Delenn (given what's coming, too bad on all accounts, I'm curious to see what she thinks of the season 2/3 changes).  All in all, a solid episode for her.

Episode 6: Bester Arrives and Ironheart
Mr:  Good ole Bester, we meet the Psi Corps, finally, and see just how controlling it is.
Mrs:  I knew this wouldn't be a strong favorite for her... the over acting, psi powers in general, and the suspension of belief needed on this one was going to make it weak.  She's not a scifi person, so things like psychics in the scifi sense, just aren't a given for her... I hope this doesn't make her like season 5 even less than most people do.

All in all, its growing on her.  I'm curious to see if she's emotionally invested enough in the characters to feel the betrayal and inner conflict of the next two seasons... I think she just might.  She did mention the other day that she was enjoying the series and found it entertaining... if she can say that on season one, that's a pretty good sign for me.

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